I LOVE polka dots. It is such a fun print that it often surprises me how little I see people actually wearing it.
I originally saw a dress that looked very similar to this one on Nastygal.com (such a cute website and if you haven't checked it out I suggest you do ASAP), however, I didn't have the funds to purchase it. On a shopping trip to Foreign Exchange, I found this dress that looked just like it! Have I mentioned to you yet how wonderful that store can be sometimes :)
Whenever I have an occasion to wear this dress, I jump on it. I love this dress for so many reasons. First, the print is amazing. Whenever I wear it I get lots of attention because it isn't everyday that people see someone walking in a bright white polka dot dress. Also, the detail of the dress is beautiful. From the ruffles to how the skirt billows, I just love how girly it it. Lastly, I adore the back. While polka dots can look very cute-sy, the open back allows for sexiness.
So let's see, unique, beautiful and sexy? Perfect dress achieved :)
I LOVE this dress on you :)